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Val IV Therapy & Wellness

Charlotte IV Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains questions that several of our clients have asked us recently. If you have any questions you think we didn’t answer here, please, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. Our customer support team is always available to attend to you.

When and where can I have an appointment?

You can book your therapy session with VALIV Therapy and Wellness anywhere in Charlotte, NC, and anytime. You can have your appointment at the home, office, outdoor events, gym, etc.

How Do Your IV Drips Work?

When our registered nurses administer any of our IV drips, the IV solution is delivered directly into your bloodstream. Our drips typically contain multiple vitamin supplements and medications unique to individual patients, depending on their health needs.

How Long Will a Treatment Last?

There is no defined time per treatment as it varies from patient to patient. However, treatment average about 1 hour per session.

Who Can Get Your IV Therapy?

 Anybody from ages 12 and older,in as much as your health status supports it. Most of our clients are business professionals, athletes, students, and families.

Who Administers IV Treatments for VALIV?

All our treatments are administered by our team of registered nurses who have been fully trained in administering IV treatments.

What Areas Do You Cover?

Charlotte and surrounding areas in NC.

Does VALIV Take Insurance?

Sadly no. VALIV Therapy and Wellness does not accept insurance.

How Often Do I Need IV Treatments?

It depends on your health needs and medical history. This is why we recommend consulting with our doctors before administering IV treatment.

Ready? We can help.

Prana makes it simple to take back your day with IV therapy. Book now!